Creative Visualisation and Affirmations / Auto Suggestions

“ Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

                                                                    - Napoleon Hill

There are basically only three methods to store information in your long-term

Memory and sub conscious mind :

 1. Repetition

2. Intensity

3. Using both sides of the brain simultaneously

Picture and experience in your mind the accomplishment of the end result. See yourself actively involved in the accomplishment. This is called constructive “Creative visualization” or “virtual reality”. It works on the theory of displacement. You are displacing the old picture and old self-image with the new. Remember – you will move toward the goal that you picture.

The subconscious responds to feelings more than to words. It doesn’t respond any better to positive feelings than to negative feelings. It just responds to feelings. The more emotion or feeling we can put behind an idea, the faster it will manifest. So feeling and emotion are very important for impact.

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