How to develop Attitude of Gratitude ?



Today sharing a new way of practising Attitude Of Gratitude.
Each of our hand positions (how and where we place our hand) are symbolic and gives a subtle message to our different body parts •••

1) Place your hands over your chest/heart. Say "I AM IN GRATITUDE TO ALL LIVING BEINGS" three times. (This is the area associated with love for other people for ourselves).

2. Place your hands over your temples and Say "JUST FOR TODAY, DO NOT WORRY (Three times). The temples are related to the balance of the passive and active sides of brain, therefore using this principles here indicates balance of thoughts and thinking.

3) Place your hands on your eyes and Say "JUST FOR TODAY, DO NOT ANGER" three times (what the eyes don't see the heart doesn't grieve about).

4) Place your hands over your Throat and say "JUST FOR TODAY I WILL LIVE HONESTLY" three times (This is the area of communication).

5) Place your hands over the back of your head, Say " I WILL LOVE AND RESPECT EVERY LIVING BEING" three times (This area of the head is related to ancestral memory).

Let’s Use these Reiki Principals in this way in self treatment, it will send messages to all the cells of body…Please Apply this in your daily practices for minimum 21 days and see the magic !
    -    An article by Dr. Rashmi Mathur

Learning Reiki offers a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond its healing potential. By becoming a Reiki practitioner, you embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and empowerment. The ability to channel Reiki healing energy not only benefits your own well-being but also enables you to support others on their healing paths. Whether you are seeking personal growth, stress relief, or an additional tool to enhance your professional practice, Reiki is a profound and accessible healing modality that can enrich your life in countless ways. Embrace the gentle yet powerful energy of Reiki and unlock its transformative benefits.

Reiki Learning classes for all levels from 1 to 3B are regularly conducted both in our centre In Lucknow, India and Online on small class setup for better learning. Duration of class is approximately 4-5 hours. After class, required support is provided to student.

Reiki class is taken by by Senior Reiki Grand Master who is having Reiki healing/teaching experience of more than 17 years. 

 Appointment for Reiki Class in Lucknow may be booked through WhatsApp number 09170000997 
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