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        How to develop Attitude of Gratitude ?    27 Jun 2024      admin       Healing your life 

            Today sharing a new way of practising Attitude Of Gratitude.   Each of our hand positions (how and where we place our hand) are symbolic and gives a subtle message to our different body parts ••• 1) Place your hands over your chest/heart. Say "I AM IN GRATITUDE TO ALL LIVING BEINGS" three times. (This is the area associated with love for other people for ourselves). 2. Place your hands over your temples and Say "J[...]

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        How to tame your Monkey Mind ?    27 May 2024      admin       Healing your life 

                Taming Monkey Mind by Observing your train of Thoughts  1. Make a list of your usual repetitive / habitual thoughts which keep coming again and again            regularly. Once you pay attention to them by thinking more, they start creating emotions  within you and completely control you. 2. Make a detailed list of these thoughts. By preparing list of your thoughts, you will be aware  &n[...]

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        Do you engage in Violent Thinking?    24 Apr 2024      admin       Healing your life 

                                     SELF Analysis - Do you engage in Violent Thinking? "There are three kinds of violence: one, through our DEEDS; two, through our WORDS; and three, through our THOUGHTS. The root of all violence is in the world of thoughts, and that is why training the mind is so important."                       -E[...]

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        How to heal yourself from painful past !    14 Mar 2024      admin       Healing your life 

                         How you can delete Past hurts & Heal yourself••• Today release the past with understanding. Understand that others did not hurt you, they were a victim of their own sanskars and perceptions. They were emotionally in pain. You absorbed their pain and hurt yourself. No one can hurt you. It was your past karmic account which is over. You only create every emotion and you hav[...]

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        Healing Future with Reiki !    22 Feb 2024      admin       Healing your life 

                                                                                Sending Reiki to the Future.    Reiki truly has no boundaries. It can be sent across the great illusion of time and space, the only limit being your imagination. We can send Reiki to the past- to heal childhood t[...]

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        Improve your performance thru Hypnotherapy Sessions !    30 Jan 2024      admin       Healing your life 

                                Are you seeking a breakthrough in your personal growth or looking for a natural way to heal and improve your well-being? Look no further! Hypnotherapy Healing Sessions are here to empower you and unleash your inner potential. Get ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and positive change. Here's why you should consider experiencing the incredible benefits of hypnotherapy: &n[...]

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        20 Ideas for improving yourself in One Month !    31 Dec 2023      admin       Healing your life 

                                 20 ideas: 1. Detoxify your speech. Reduce the use of negative  words. Be polite.   2. Read everyday. Doesn’t matter what. Choose whatever interests you.   3. Promise yourself that you will never talk rudely to your parents. They never deserve it.   4. Observe people around you. Imbibe their virtues.   5. Spend some time with nature everyday. [...]

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        How to Master Your Mood ?    30 Nov 2023      admin       Healing your life 

              To think that "I am the mind," is unaware-ness.   To know that mind is only a mechanism just as the body is, to know that the mind is separate.... The night comes, the morning comes: you don't get identified with the night. You don't say, "I am night," you don't say, "I am morning." The night comes, the morning comes, the day comes, again the night comes; the wheel goes on moving, but you remain alert that [...]

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        Reiki Technique for Calming yourself quickly !    12 Oct 2023      admin       Healing your life 

                             Sharing, a simple Reiki Technique, Don't forget to stop & put your hands on yourself… If you are feeling anxious or irritated and you just want to feel calmer and more centered, then this simple Reiki technique will help to quickly feel more calm and centered :-- "Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your abdomen & Allow Reiki to flow. Close your eyes and br[...]

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        THE 7 RULES OF LIFE !    26 Sep 2023      admin       Manifestation 

                                           1. Smile: A simple smile holds incredible power. Smiling not only brightens your day but also has a profound impact on those around you. It is a universal language that transcends barriers and spreads positivity. When you wear a smile, you invite happiness into your life and create a welcoming atmosphere for others. Smiling is contagious, and by ra[...]

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