Healing Sphere announces availability of New Age Healing Techniques - LBL (Life between Lives), Future Life Progression, Scanning and Releasing unwanted Energies (Spirit Release Therapy), Remote Healing of Places and persons, Joseph Murphy Model and RFBT (Recovery Focused Behavior Therapy). These therapies may be applied for any psychological, emotional and behavioral problems / issues.
For details - www.healingsphere.org SKYPE sessions are also available
LBL (Life between Lives)
What is Life Between Lives (LBL)® Hypnotherapy?
A deep hypnotic process, developed over many years, designed to reconnect you with your soul self, your guiding beings and thereby awaken an understanding of your immortal identity.
Let’s look at each part of that statement separately.
‘A deep hypnotic process’ … the achievement of complete physical relaxation, guided by suggestions given by the therapist but created entirely by the client, in which awareness is altered and the subconscious and even higher levels of the mind can be accessed.
‘Designed to reconnect you with your soul self’ … each of us is so much more than the physical aspect we can see. We are a combination of the energies, experiences and learnings of countless previous lives; each life a set of contrasting experiences that embody the variety of lessons our inner, eternal self seeks to learn in its quest for development and perfection. That core, eternal self, always searching for growth and new levels of understanding, is our soul self…
‘Your guiding beings’ … This is model of the spiritual realm. During session, Higher Beings in the inter-life; personal guides and teachers appear, all ready to guide each one of us through and between each life. Wisdom and insights you can now access through LBL Hypnotherapy…
‘Awaken an understanding of your immortal identity’ … enlightenment, a more complete perception of who you really are as the sum total of your past lives, the collaboration of your soul with other souls and with its guides and teachers, and what you are learning now. A sense of the eternity of the soul…and an end to the fear of physical death…
Future Life Progression (FLP)
Future Life Progression – or FLP for short – is a waking dream therapy. It is a form of hypnosis that relaxes you into a deep, yet alert state, that also opens your mind to the potential you have at your fingertips. Unlike Past Life Regression, that concentrates on your personal history and how certain events in your life, or past lives, have shaped your beliefs and circumstances in the present day, Future Life Progression takes you forward in time to a place where you can explore the possibilities that extend from your own creation and the paths you choose to examine.
FLP can also take you on a journey into next life or future lives, and doing so can provide you with a wealth of insight and knowledge.
What Can Future Life Progression Do For You?
If you feel your life is stuck on hold or you have tried, and failed, to remove personal blocks and obstacles Future Life Progression can provide you with the tools to make renewed progress. You may have already cleared blocks and now need clarity to build confidence and move forward in the direction that most appeals to you. In this case FLP can help you make better informed choices and help you explore alternatives.
Future Life Progression will also allow you to see how your future could pan out. You may be able to experience how your life is, given the choices you opt to make, as well as the people you share your life with and the location that it all takes place in.
What Happens During A Session?
During a session, that is rather like hypnotherapy, the practitioner, or facilitator, will talk you through relaxation steps that allow your body to become naturally deeply relaxed. You will have discussed, beforehand, the areas that you are most interested in exploring and examining and will therefore be lead in that direction.
The information that you will receive, during the meditative state, will however, be the most relevant information for you to gain knowledge from in the present time. This means that although you may feel you want to focus solely on career prospects your unconscious mind may feel that it is more important for you to examine another area or issue of your life that is preventing you from living your true potential.
What Happens After A Session?
Having explored the possibilities of your future life you will return to normal, waking consciousness feeling more relaxed, confident and keen to start implementing the changes you saw clearly in your mind during meditation. These images will be vivid enough for you to interpret them as a memory, because you will have explored happenings that feel true to life, rather like in a dreaming state.
This experience will bring with it new insight and personal knowledge that you can tap into during moments of stress or anxiety. This will encourage you to continually make progress towards the path that leads you to the future you have seen and experienced during Future Life Progression.
Spirit Release Therapy
What is spirit release Therapy?
Earthbound spirits, negative thought forms, dark energies and, upon occasion, what is described as demonic energies can attach themselves to places and human energy fields.
How do they attach to people?
It can happen when people are vulnerable, in low moods, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, suffering from trauma or just negative emotions.
What causes the spirits to attach to people in this way?
At the end of a life that has ended with shock, confusion or unresolved issues, be they positive: not wanting to leave a loved one or negative: a desire to get revenge, the soul energy of a person does not travel into the light. As a result they can be stuck on the earth plane and, at a loss for where else to go, will be attracted to a person displaying similar energy.
What specific things can cause a spirit to be stuck?
The emotions and feelings connected with a sudden, traumatic death can become the force which attaches a spirit to the earth plane. Anger, fear, jealousy, resentment, guilt, distress, even strong ties of love, can interfere with the universal transition into the Light. If a person dies by drug overdose, the newly deceased spirit may attach to someone who uses drugs or alcohol in order to maintain the sensations of the habit.
What else can cause a spirit to be stuck?
Sometimes at death a spirit or soul is confused or simply out of fear does not return to where it belongs. We have a choice even at the moment of our death. We're free to return home to the Light or remain on earth and rove around. If we are a victim of murder, we may also have a choice to attach ourself to the person who took our life and cause them trouble in their life.
Many spirits remain on the earth plane because of a lack of awareness of their own death. Confusion, distrust and disbelief concerning religion and spirituality can prevent the spirit from moving into the Light.
How do people know of they have spirits attached to their energy field?
A person subjected to this experience may report hearing voices yet have no other psychotic symptom or behaviour. A newly formed attachment may be apparent by the sudden onset of drug or alcohol usage, unusual and inappropriate speech patterns and behaviour patterns, or noticeable personality changes.
What kinds of things can leave people open to spirits attaching to them?
Hospitals are places where a lot of death occurs so people can be vulnerable following surgery; especially if they were under chemical anaesthesia, if they were involved in an accident, experienced emotional upset, the suicide of a friend, colleague or family member, even moving into a new home. A person can be vulnerable and open to attachment due to any mental or physical symptoms or conditions, strong emotions, repressed negative feelings, conscious or unconscious wants or needs. This vulnerability can act like a magnet to attract a foreign entity with the same or similar emotion, condition, need or feeling. Severe stress may cause susceptibility to the influence of an intrusive spirit. Alteration of the consciousness with the use of alcohol or drugs, especially mind drugs, opens the unconscious mind to invasion by discarnate beings. The same can be true for the use of anaesthetic drugs for surgery.
What impact can having a spirit attachment have?
As the result of an attachment, or possession, physical appetites for food, sex, alcohol, and drugs can increase greatly. Personal attitudes and beliefs can suddenly change, as can personal tastes. The voice and even facial features and appearance can alter dramatically. An earthbound spirit retains the psychic energy pattern of its own thinking, and can transmit to it`s victim any mental abnormality or emotional disturbance, as well as any symptom of physical illness. This condition can be extremely confusing and frightening for a person, and for friends and family. Attachment to any given person may be completely unplanned, even accidental. An attachment can be benevolent in nature, self serving to fulfil a personal need of the spirit, harmful in intention, or completely neutral. It can occur simply because of physical proximity to a dying person at the time of the death. The connection may be established by the purposeful choice of either the spirit or the living human, because of a strong emotional bond between them.
How does the therapy work?
Spirit release therapy uses hypnosis to open up a safe communication with any energies that do not belong with a person and a therapeutic discussion ensues, allowing the energy to be gently returned to the light. Even dark energies contain light and these too can be dealt with with compassion and love. Spirit Releasement is a therapy, not a rite. Unlike exorcism, it comes from a position of compassion, not confrontation. It aims both to free the client and to assist the attached spirit to continue its evolutionary journey.
Is there anything else that may need to be explored to ensure that spirits stay clear in the future?
Past Life Therapy is often usefully combined with Spirit Releasement Therapy as Karmic and past life wounding can generate energy that the attachments are drawn to and this can act like a velcro that they stick to; once this is healed there is nothing for them to attach to- the 'hook' is withdrawn and the person is then safe of further attachments.
In Healing Sphere, we follow Spirit Releasement Therapy technique which was developed by legendary psychiatrist Dr. Wiliiam Baldwin. He was the first ever ro take seriously spirit release as alegtiate therapy. William Baldwin's Spirit Releasement Technique Manual published in 1995 is a pioneer work.
n Healing Sphere, Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives, Future Life Progression and Spirit Relese sessions are conducted by certified Past Life Regression/Hypnotherapy Therapist. The sessions are safe, peaceful and relaxing. The sessions are also conducted thru SKYPE. Appointment may be taken for booking a session.
Healing Sphere is a holistic healing centre based in Lucknow in India. The centre offers healing of mind, body and soul through a variety of new age healing techniques like Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Inner Child Healing, Life between Lives (LBL), Spirit Release Therapy, Future Life Progression, Reiki, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Mudra Vigyan and Meditation.
The centre follows holistic approach in which other healing therapies are also integrated. For example - with a typical Past Life Regression session, other healing therapies – Inner Child Healing, Reiki, Spirit Release Therapy EFT, and NLP are also used. The holistic approach gives a faster and lasting healing.
For details - Visit : www.healinsphere.org - SKYPE sessions are also available.