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        Awaken Awareness: A Qigong Remedy for Loneliness    29 Apr 2019      admin       Healing your life 

                                                                                                            Spirituality  / By Robert Peng                           [...]

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        Art of Silence: Philip Fraser on Stillness and Alignment    09 Apr 2019      admin       Healing your life 

                                                    Alignment, Mindfullness / By Dr. Elizabeth Herman, PhD                      We recently caught up with Philip Fraser, who has been teaching the Art of Silence since the early 1990s, to talk about the power of stillness and alignment. Philip offers his insights on [...]

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        A Spiritual Perspective on Anxiety and Depression    29 Mar 2019      admin       Stress Management 

                                                                     Spirituality  / By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar                                                              &nbs[...]

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        Beginners’ Yoga: Top Tips for Starting Out    12 Mar 2019      admin       Healing your life 

                                                                             Yoga  / By Wendy Swanson                                                           &n[...]

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        Spiritual Healing Retreats    07 Mar 2019      admin       Healing your life 

                                                                                                                               Wellness / By Paige Reist          &[...]

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        How to improve your physical well being !    19 Feb 2019      admin       Healing your life 

                                           We can improve our overall physical well-being by first starting to notice our thoughts & our reactions to our thoughts.   The power of the mind is a curious thing, because it is so powerful yet so difficult to control sometimes. We find ourselves thinking a certain way, knowing that this thought may be creating trouble for us yet we find it di[...]

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        Niramaya !    09 Jan 2019      admin       Healing your life 

                                                             Niramaya" in Sanskrit means Wellness and well being. Niramaya is name of Unique Healing Modalities through which healing of Mind, Body and Soul is done in Healing Sphere. Niramaya Healing Sessions brings balance to Mind, Body and Soul. Healing Sphere is Holistic Healing Centre based in L[...]

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        Change Your Life By Reprogramming Sub Conscious Mind !    28 Dec 2018      admin       Healing your life 

                                                                                                                                  The Subconscious mind is like a huge filing cabi[...]

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        8 Mental Blocks which may derail your Life !    29 Nov 2018      admin       Healing your life 

                                                            Your subconscious sets up mental blocks that can cripple your best intentions to succeed.   Your mind & imagination can be your best weapon, but it can also be your weakest point. When you feel stressed or helpless, the littlest things become huge barriers in life. Everyone deals with thes[...]

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        How To Manage Your ANGER ?    30 Oct 2018      admin       Healing your life 

                                                                  Anger Managementby Guy Finley Question: Why do I continue to get angry & why do I always feel so justified in my anger even though it always makes me feel terrible at a later time? Answer: To be angry is to suffer. It doesn't help anyone to get angry. Anger hurts [...]

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