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        7 FACTORS THAT AFFECT YOUR VIBRATIONS !    26 Sep 2018      admin       Law Of Attraction 


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        How To Attain A Peaceful Mind !    30 Aug 2018      admin       Healing your life 

                                                            All human beings inherently want to be in a state which is free of stress, anxiety & struggle. There is a deep knowing within us that life is supposed to be good, it’s supposed be joyful, peaceful & loving. However, our day to day experiences seem to indicate otherwise in that there ar[...]

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        How to heal 13 types of Body Pain without Painkiller !    31 Jul 2018      admin       Healing your life 

      BODY TALKS - 13 Types Of Pain That Are Directly Linked To The Emotional States                                  DIS-EASE  (I AM NOT AT EASE) is just an emotional state of mind. Chronic pain is not only caused by physical injury, but also caused by stress and emotional issues.   Let’s take a look at what pain in a particular area of your body indicates and how to self heal ourselve[...]

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        How to attract wealth thru power of your sub conscious mind !    29 Jun 2018      admin       Law Of Attraction 


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        Why Forgiveness is best healing tool ?    31 May 2018      admin       Healing your life 

                                                                        Are you the type of person that brushes off an act of unkindness or do you hold a grudge for years? If you make a mistake, do you find it hard to forgive yourself or does it barely register? Learning how to forgive yourself & others has many mental &[...]

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        Heal what is hurting you !    21 Apr 2018      admin       Healing your life 

                                                                                           When we are carrying the burden of our unprocessed pain, sooner or later, it will inconvenience us. Many of us are going through our lives aware of a well of pain underlying our daily [...]

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        How Positive Expectation manifest your desire !    15 Mar 2018      admin       Law Of Attraction 


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        How to get rid of past karma !    27 Feb 2018      admin       Healing your life 

                                                                                                                                                Heavy [...]

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        Thoughts shape our Reality !!    31 Jan 2018      admin       Manifestation 

                                                                                                           Thoughts shape our Reality   The evolved being thinks or chooses thoughts consciously; the unevolved are mostly unaware of their[...]

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        We don't meet anyone by accident !    31 Dec 2017      admin       Healing your life 

    We Don’t Meet Anyone by Accident – 5 Types of Cosmic Connections                                                                                      In this world that we are lucky to live in, every single meeting and chance encounter serves a greater purpose. Absolu[...]

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