How To Develop The Abundance Mentality In All Spheres Of Life 18 Feb 2016 admin  Healing your lifeBy James Maverick / Maverick Traveler I believe there are generally two types of people: those who view the world as abundant and those who view it as scarce. In my corner of the Internet, the abundance mentality is usually referred exclusively in the context of women and dating. The idea is that there are over 3.5 billion women in the world so if your current girlfriend (or a girl you’re pursuing) dumps you, it really shouldn’t be much of a big deal. That’s absol[...] read moreReiki – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 30 Jan 2016 admin  Healing your lifePeople who are contemplating to learn Reiki or healing with Reiki have many questions regarding Reiki. Teaching method differs from teacher to teacher. So some students have more queries whereas some are confident. Here, it is tried to provide answer all the questions in simple and easy way so anyone can understand. Q1. What is Reiki? The founder of Reiki is Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki is a Japanese form of natural and spiritual healing technique administered through Life Force E[...] read more10 Tips to Improving Self- Esteem 30 Dec 2015 admin  ManifestationLow self-esteem can lead to various problems in someone’s career, relationships and personal life. Low self-esteem can easily be transformed into depression which can further affect one’s metal, physical and social disposition. Well known psycho-therapist, Dr. Nathaniel Branden, defines self-esteem as the “disposition to experience oneself as being competent enough to be able to keep up with the challenges in one's life.” The concept of self-esteem is basically all abo[...] read moreHow to Program your Sub-Conscious Mind for desired results ? 30 Nov 2015 admin  ManifestationMany people go through their lives without understanding why they make the same mistakes, follow the same patterns, and live in the same ruts. They aren't happy with their present situation, but they seem to be unable to make any lasting changes. Are you one of these people? Perhaps you've attend seminars, read books, and taken courses, but, in the end, fallen back into the same patterns you've always followed! Why does it always turn out this way? We struggle to make permanent changes in our [...] read more5 Koshas of Human Body !! 31 Oct 2015 admin  Healing your life
Healing the Inner Child ! 25 Aug 2015 admin  Healing your life
101 Ways of Happiness !! :)
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