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        Forgive others because you deserve peace !    29 Nov 2017      admin       Healing your life 

                                                        You can never be free of bitterness as long as you continue to think unforgiving thoughts. How can you be happy in this moment if you continue to choose to be angry & resentful? Thoughts of bitterness can’t create joy. No matter how justified you feel you are, no matter what “they” did, if you[...]

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        Healing Sphere Reiki Lineage    24 Oct 2017      admin       Healing your life 

      Healing Sphere is a holistic healing centre based in  Lucknow  in India. The centre  offers healing of mind, body and soul through a variety of new age healing techniques like Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Inner Child Healing, Life between Lives (LBL), Spirit Release Therapy, Future Life Progression, Reiki,  Magnet Therapy, Acupressure, Crystal Healing, Quantum Touch Healing, Essential Oils,  EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), NLP ([...]

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        Healing thru Essential Oils !    15 Sep 2017      admin       Healing your life 

                                                        In Healing Sphere, Essential Oils are being used along with our regular therapies of Reiki, Magnet therapy, Crystal Healing and Acupressure and separately also. We have noticed that the effectiveness of healing therapies gets dramatically increased when “Essential Oils” are used along with therapies. Es[...]

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        Heal The Pain !    23 Aug 2017      admin       Healing your life 

      Let’s discover what pain really is & begin to release it. Specifically we will discover the sources of recurring or chronic physical pain, rather than an acute trauma. Before going into the pain itself, know that all pain in its various forms can be healed. You may not believe his, but it’s true. Let’s discover why. It is important to realize that: Pain is a message from your body.   Most of us have been conditioned to ignore pain or to suppress it. That is [...]

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        Healing Journeys in Healing Sphere - Reflections    18 Jul 2017      admin       Healing your life 

                                                                           Vishal who is student of Class 12 in Allahabad City was suffering from ‘’Porn Addiction’’ for the past  3 years.  He was exposed to these videos thru Mobile when he was in class 9. As a result, it started affectin[...]

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        Healing Journeys in Healing Sphere - Reflections    22 Jun 2017      admin       Healing your life 

                                                                                                                                     Sharing story of a young person from Allah[...]

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        New Healing Techniques available in Healing Sphere !    31 May 2017      admin       Healing your life 

     Healing Sphere announces availability of New Age Healing Techniques - LBL (Life between Lives), Future Life Progression, Scanning and Releasing unwanted Energies (Spirit Release Therapy), Remote Healing of Places and persons, Joseph Murphy Model and RFBT (Recovery Focused Behavior Therapy). These therapies may be applied for any psychological, emotional and behavioral problems / issues. For details -    SKYPE sessions are also available LBL (Life between L[...]

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        "Let Go and Free Yourself" thru PLR (Past Life Regression) sessions    30 Apr 2017      admin       Healing your life 

                                                             “What we are today, is the result of our past; and what we will become tomorrow, is to be determined by how we live today.”   Past Life Regressions are particularly valuable when dealing with issues that have no “rational” cause. Many people find healing with indiv[...]

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        Multi Dimensional Benefits of a Reiki Session !    30 Mar 2017      admin       Healing your life 

          100 BENEFITS OF REIKI     PHYSIOLOGICAL BENEFITS :   1- It lowers oxygen consumption 2- It decreases respiratory rate 3- It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate 4- Increases exercise tolerance 5- Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation 6- Good for people with high blood pressure 7- Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate 8- Decreases muscle tension 9- Helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis [...]

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        Happiness is an inside job :)    28 Feb 2017      admin       Healing your life 

                                                                  Happiness Is An Inside Job !          -  C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. I first heard this phrase about 30 years ago. Prior[...]

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